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I thought it would be fun to have a Featured Book of the Month every month. They’ll include a little bit about some of the books I’ve written over the years, as well as a giveaway to win an autographed copy of that month’s featured book.

What do you think? I’m excited, so let’s start with the first giveaway today!

This month I’m featuring one of my favorites and every new mama’s must have – Belly Laughs!

Revealing the naked truth about the tremendous joys, the excruciating pains, and the inevitable disfigurement that go along with pregnancy, Jenny McCarthy tells you what you can really expect when you’re expecting! From morning sickness and hormonal rage, to hemorrhoids, granny panties, pregnant sex, and the torture and sweet relief that is delivery, Belly Laughs is must-read comic relief for anyone who is pregnant, has ever been pregnant, is trying to get pregnant, or, indeed, has ever been born!

Good luck! I’ll announce the winner on Friday.


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